
Belgische Fruitveiling focuses on club varieties

The Belgische Fruitveiling (BFV) is at the top of the Belgian fruit market with a market share of 70%. Around 80% of the products are exported. Moreover, BFV is the largest supplier of Conference pears in the world. During Fruit Logistica, BFV wants to introduce visitors to the BFV club varieties:

  • The Joly Red: a sweet, round, dark red apple that broadens the range and the export possibilities.
  • The red pear Sweet Sensation.
  • The Jonaplus: with which the BFV wishes to reposition the Jonagold in order to offer customers a uniform product all year round in terms of quality, colour and flavour.
  • The culinary highlight, the Redlove apple. This unique apple with its attractive red flesh is perfectly suited for use in the kitchen, the catering industry and the juice industry.
  • The Morgana®, the latest apple sensation at BFV: its key characteristics are its crisp, juicy texture and its aromatic flavour. The bright red blush covering most of its skin makes it truly stand out. With its exceptional flavour and fantastic storage life, this apple is sure to be a hit with consumers.

And BFV is proud to present the latest additions to the pear range:

  • The Red Conference®, a red coloured Conference mutant with the same DNA as the Conference pear. All the positive points of the Conference – such as its frost-resistance, its constantly good and higher production, its storage capacity and its delicious flavour – are shared by the Red Conference®.
  • The Bel’Ami®, a smooth pear that is a hybrid of Conference and Doyenné.
  • The Pink Surprise®, a bi-colour pear with pink flesh.

Thanks to this new range of apples and pears, in combination with the existing range of standard apple and pear varieties, the BFV can offer a very wide range to both the national and the international trade. The strong TRUVAL quality system also creates a recognisable and exclusive offering for the fruit trade.